A World without Antibiotics? | Real Food Round-Up

Antibiotic Resistance We know that the overuse of antibiotics, including in animal agriculture, is leading to the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Now, new projections from Princeton suggest that this problem is only going to grow in the future.


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Global trends in antimicrobial use in food animals

Soaring antibiotic use in animals fuels "super bug" fears

Thai Green Curry with Spring Vegetables from Cookie and Kate

Chocolate Coconut Oil Nut Bars from Savory Lotus

How to Save Money on Healthy Food

How to Save Money on Healthy Food It's important to prioritize healthy food in your budget, but you also don't want to be spending extra money when you don't have to. Here's how you can save money on healthy food, no coupon clipping required.


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One of the best ways to save money on healthy food is to reduce your food waste. It's estimated that 40% of food goes to waste. That's a big problem, especially when there are so many people going hungry. Plus, when you waste food, it's like throwing your hard earned money in the garbage. Here are some things you can do to reduce your food waste.

  1. Meal plan. Planning your meals means that you can buy only what you need and don't end up with extra food at the end of the week. This helps eliminate science experiments in the back of the fridge and rotting produce that ends up getting tossed.
  2. Be ok with food that isn't perfect. Quite a bit of food goes to waste because of minor cosmetics issues. Embrace the fact that food is biological and is going to have it's quirks and imperfections. If there's a bad spot on your apple or tomato, cut it away and eat the rest rather than throwing the whole thing away.
  3. Use everything. The scraps and extras that you're throwing away might actually be able to provide you with an extra meal. For example, use chicken bones to make your own broth. It's easy and that broth can be used to make soup for dinner the next day. You can also save veggie scraps like carrot ends, celery ends, onion tops, and ginger peels in a bag in your freezer to add into your homemade broth. This means that you are squeezing every last bit of nutrition and every last penny out of something that would have ended up in the trash.
  4. Compost. Speaking of trash, compost whenever possible. Even if you're trying really hard, things are still going to go bad on occasion. Plus, if you're eating lots of fresh produce, you're also probably throwing away lots of cores and other little bits. Composting these items allows them to decompose naturally, rather than sitting in a plastic bag in the landfill. Plus, if you happen have a garden or house plants, your homemade compost can serve as a great free natural fertilizer for your plants.
  5. Grow your own. When you grow your own fruits and veggies, you can get the best produce in exchange for a little bit of your time and energy. Plus, you can eat things that would never make it to the grocery store or farmers' market. If a tomato splits on the vine, you can pick it and eat it right away. Something like that would end up getting tossed on a farm, because it could never make it to market without spoiling and, even if it did, no one would buy it.

Can You Trust a Dietitian? | Real Food Round-Up

Can You Trust a Dietitian? A recent partnership between Kids Eat Right (of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and Kraft has got a lot of people fired up. It's bringing the credibility of dietitians into question in the media and I had to give my thoughts on the issue.


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A Cheese 'Product' Gains Kids' Nutrition Seal

UPDATE: I want to clarify something from the video. Kids Eat Right is part of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation, which is the philanthropic arm of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The AND Foundation has a different board and makes decisions separately from AND. It is unclear to me at this time what sort of oversight, if any, AND has over the AND Foundation and it's decisions.

What I Ate #2 | Healthy Dinner Ideas

What I Ate If you're curious as to what exactly a dietitian eats or just need some healthy dinner inspiration, this one's for you. I'm sharing some recent dinners from my table and giving you all the yummy details. Who says healthy food can't be delicious?


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Buying Half a Hog

Tomato soup recipe from Entertaining with Beth

Is Organic Food Better?

Organic food is often touted to be much better for you than non organic food. But what's the difference? And is organic food really better for you? Here's the breakdown on organic vs non organic and why all organic food isn't created equal. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Get more info about the USDA Organic program here

How to Find Local Food

Gardening Playlist

McDonald's Moves Closer to Real Food | Real Food Round-Up

McDonald's recently announced that they are moving to eliminate the use of human antibiotics in the chicken they purchase. This is a big deal and a great step in the right direction. But, while I'm excited for how this will impact the food system and help in fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria, we still have a ways to go before real food becomes the norm. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

McDonald’s Moving to Limit Antibiotic Use in Chickens

McDonald’s Is Changing Its McNuggets—and the Move Could Save Lives

Honey Ginger Lemonade Health Tonic from Back to Her Roots

Kale, Sausage, and White Bean Soup from 100 Days of Real Food

How to Become a Dietitian

Becoming a dietitian is a process that has a lot of steps. Here it is all laid out with a few tips from me along the way. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Note: As I mentioned in the video, this process will be changing in the future. The details on the new process are still in the works.

You can get more information about becoming a dietitian on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a delicious food with several health benefits. Learn more about why garlic is so great, plus a tip to maximize the healthy compounds in your garlic. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Garlic's health benefits http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/garlic

Garlic and immune system health http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11697022

Garlic and heart health http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20594781 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20594781 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19060427

Garlic and cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/causes-prevention/risk-factors/diet/garlic-fact-sheet http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/dietandnutrition/garlic

The Best Plants for Your Garden

Growing a garden can give you the most delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables around, but deciding what you want to plant can be hard. These are some of the things I think about when choosing the plants I want to grow in my garden. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]If you want to know more about what I'm growing in my garden this year, here's a full list. I've divided the plants into categories to make it a little easier to find what you're looking for.


  • Provider (bush, snap)
  • Rattlesnake Snap (pole, snap)
  • Calypso (bush, dry)
  • Good Mother Stallard (pole, dry)
  • Turkey Craw (pole, snap or dry)


  • Detroit Dark Red
  • Chiggia
  • Burpee's Golden


  • De Cicco


  • Early Snowball


  • Prize Choy
  • Early Jersey Wakefield
  • I also plan to grow some fall varieties, but I haven't selected those yet. I'll add them here once I do.


  • Dragon
  • Paris Market
  • St. Valery


  • Vates


  • Smoke Signals Popcorn


  • Parade

Ground Cherry

  • Aunt Molly's


  • Lacinato
  • Red Russian


  • Bronze Arrowhead
  • Crisp Mint
  • Forellenschluss
  • Green Oakleaf
  • Mantilia
  • Mizuna
  • Red Velvet
  • Sylvetta Arugula
  • Tango
  • Yugoslavian Red


  • Boule D'Or
  • Petit Gris de Rennes


  • Amish Snap
  • Champion of England (shell)


  • Aji Crystal (hot)
  • Bull Nose Bell (Sweet)
  • Chocolate Beauty (Sweet)
  • Jimmy Nardello's (Sweet)
  • Martin's Carrot (hot)
  • Mustard Habanero (hot)
  • Thai Hot (...hot :D)


  • Cincinnati Market
  • Early Scarlet Globe
  • Watermelon

Summer Squash

  • Black Beauty Zucchini
  • Summer Crookneck

Swiss Chard

  • Five Color Silverbeet (Rainbow Chard)


  • Green
  • Purple

Tomato (Cherry)

  • Black Cherry
  • Blondkopfchen
  • Green Grape
  • Mexico Midget

Tomato (Large)

  • Aunt Ruby's German Green
  • Gold Medal
  • Italian Heirloom
  • Jaune Flamme
  • Kellogg's Breakfast
  • Paul Robeson


  • Purple Top White


  • Blacktail Mountain
  • Orangeglo

Winter Squash

  • Marina di Chioggia
  • Thelma Sanders
  • Winter Luxury Pumpkin


  • Basil, Genovese
  • Basil, Thai
  • Borage
  • Catnip
  • Chives
  • Garlic Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Feverfew
  • English Lavender
  • Lemon Balm
  • Lovage
  • Greek Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Spearmint
  • Thyme


  • Beary's Giant Zinnia
  • Blue Boy Bachelor's Buttons
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Calendula mixture
  • Lupine
  • Globe Amaranth
  • Titan Sunflower (edible seeds)


Eat Peanuts to Prevent Allergy? | Real Food Round-Up

In the past, parents have been told to avoid giving peanuts to young children because it could cause a peanut allergy. Now, a new study is showing that eating peanuts early could actually PREVENT an allergy. So what's the deal? Also in this Real Food Round-Up, the pork supply is bouncing back after big losses last year and a hearty kale bowl recipe to add to your lunch rotation. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Peanut consumption in infancy prevents peanut allergy, study finds

Feeding Infants Peanut Products Could Prevent Allergies, Study Suggests

Why restaurants are putting bacon back on everything again

Kale Salad Bowl

February Favorites 2015 | Real Food, Gardening, Playlist Live, & More!

February was a busy month and I've got quite a few favorites to show for it! As always, I'm sharing some exciting real food stuff, plus, this month, I'm also talking about my trip to Playlist Live/The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Diagon Alley. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Buying Half a Hog

Garden Planning Tips and Resources

My vlog channel with the hubs and kitties

GMO Apple Approved by USDA | Real Food Round-Up

The USDA recently approved a new GMO apple called the Arctic Apple. This new apple has been genetically modified so that it won't brown as quickly when cut. But what are the benefits and risks of this sort of thing and what do we need to know as consumers? [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Buying Half a Hog | Why I Did It + What I Got!

If you're into organic, pastured meat, buying a whole or half animal is a great option. It saves money and helps you eat the right amount of each cut. My husband and I recently bought half a hog for the two of us and we're loving having a freezer full of high quality, pastured pork. If you're interested in doing the same and are wondering how much meat you get from half a hog, I show everything laid out on our kitchen table in the video.The half hog ended up fitting in two coolers: one 48 quart and one 52 quart. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

What I Ate #1 | Healthy Dinner Ideas

Ever wonder what a dietitian eats? Here's a peak at some of my dinners from the past month. From the simple to the more complicated and the delicious to the straight up awful, it's all here. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Cholesterol Not Bad? | Real Food Round-Up

It looks like the new US Dietary Guidelines won't include a limit for cholesterol. This is a big deal after so many years of recommendations to limit cholesterol to 300 milligrams per day. But why is this changing and what does it mean for us? [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

The U.S. government is poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol

DIY Natural Pink Food Coloring

Coconut Custard from Mommypotamus

Peanut Butter Brownie Bars from 100 Days of Real Food

How to Find Local Food

Local food is often more nutritious and offers more variety. Plus, you can talk directly to the producer and support your community. Finding that local food, however, can be difficult. Here are my top tips and resources for finding farmers' markets, CSAs, farms, and other local food resources in your area. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]Local Harvest

Eat Wild


Red Onion Pizza with Balsamic Reduction

If you want delicious homemade pizza, you've got to try this topping combo. Diced red onion gets cooked down into yummy caramelized bites and the whole thing is topped with a balsamic reduction that takes this pizza to the next level. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Red Onion Pizza with Balsamic Reduction


1/2 medium red onion, diced

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

You favorite pizza dough, pizza sauce, and cheese combination

  1. Roll out your pizza dough and top with sauce and 2/3 of you cheese.
  2. Sprinkle diced red onion on pizza and top with remaining 1/3 of cheese.
  3. Cook pizza according to your crust instructions and set aside to cool.
  4. Heat balsamic vinegar in a small pot over medium heat.
  5. Once vinegar comes to a simmer, stir frequently until the vinegar is reduced by half, about 5 minutes.
  6. Drizzle balsamic reduction over pizza, slice, and enjoy!

DIY Natural Pink Food Coloring

Brightly colored foods are fun, but lots of them are made with artificial food coloring. You can make your own natural pink food coloring with common ingredients for beautiful colors that aren't bad for you. Here are two ways to make natural pink food coloring for Valentine's Day or any other day of the year. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Healthy Road Trip Snacks (for Playlist Live!)

Going on a road trip or vacation doesn't mean that you have to be stuck eating unhealthy junk food. You can pack healthy, delicious snacks that will keep you full on the road and make sure you're feeling your best on your trip. Here are the healthy snacks I'm packing for my trip to Playlist Live 2015 in Orlando. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]

Almond Joy Granola Recipe

Healthy Super Bowl Recipes | Real Food Round-Up

Super Bowl Sunday is a great time to get together with family and friends and enjoy delicious food. Unfortunately, a lot of that food is full of artificial junk. Luckily, you can still have all of that yummy goodness and feel great if you choose real food versions of your favorite Super Bowl dishes. [x_video type="16:9, 5:3, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2" m4v="" ogv="" poster="" hide_controls="" autoplay="" embed='' no_container="true"]You can find links to all of these recipes and more on my Real Food Super Bowl Pinterest Board.